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I walk alone

It's 4:55 in the evening. I am done with lectures and college chores. It's been an eventful day as always. I'm furiously packing my stuff away: some into the locker, some in the bag and some to the bin. It's 5:00 and I rush to the office,sign out for the day, and start for home.
I walk nowadays. Resisting every possible temptation like a snack or maybe a ride back home :) I prefer to walk. Suddenly, I realize it's just me! I am all alone! Alone, not lonely.There's no one to keep me company : crazy and callow students or mature colleagues. The pure joy of being yourself, the essence of existence comes to the fore as it eclipses my desires and cravings.Apart from walking I indulge in other activities; at times I hum to myself, revise conjugations, dream endlessly about the future, reminisce the past. My imagination takes me places as I walk alone.Carelessly treading my way home,I find my body actually letting go of stress with every step I take. If there's a drizzle.I enjoy myself even more. A cool breeze keeps me company. I listen for sounds of little drops falling on my umbrella,or children splashing and playing on the roads, cars whooshing by, people calling out loud to make themselves audible over the downpour.I admire whatever little verdure I find around. On certain days, I am oblivious to the surroundings. So self -absorbing is the journey.
Finally, I arrive. I find the maid waiting at my door. The compulsions of life announce themselves. Grudgingly, I open the door and enter a house which welcomes me with its mess and merry memories. A house where no one awaits my return, yet, I know that I walk home everyday.


  1. I liked the way you narrated your thoughts in such a simplistic manner..

  2. a different way of putting that is "it lacks style and thought"

  3. I like it. It is most beautiful feeling when you find me, myself and I. I feel lucky when I get such time to discover myself. I love the concept alone not lonely.


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