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Joy of Killing

It was that time of the year again when Jake knew his wife would ask for money. The festive season starting with Christmas and ending in New Year was a burden, financially and emotionally. In the two years of marriage, all his wife would do was nag. He knew that’s what wives usually did. Nagging is their occupation.  She would complain he was getting on her nerves. They would fight incessantly. Peace was unheard of, except when she would be either out for work or with her friends.
So, here was Jake pensively drinking his troubles away. His marriage had hit rocks so a bit of scotch on the rocks would hardly make a difference. Lately, he had begun to imagine life without her. How splendid! Wishful thinking seemed to do him well. He would chalk out various plans to get rid of her. Opt for legal separation? No, that would be too much of hard work. Meeting a counselor, arguing with meddling friends and nosy relatives, and paying the lawyer’s fees was impossible. How about throwing her out of the house? Well, he still loved her for old times’ sake. She did not deserve to be deserted. No, he could do better. Maybe kill her! Slowly and silently, enjoying every moment, each agitation as the soul left the body; the senseless desperation of the limbs as they gasp for life! That was interesting! The very thought invigorated him with a new purpose. He began planning his grand design. Now, weekend seemed perfect. He would be home early on Friday. This would give him ample time to prepare. Murder is like a perfect dessert. It needs meticulous e planning and extreme concentration while execution. Give it time, and the flavors will blend perfectly.  Thus, he began. He would need raw material of course and tools. He had a pistol that his grandfather had given him as a birthday present decades ago. Who would have thought the tiny little thing would be useful one day! Once the deed was done, he would neatly pack away the weapon somewhere  (the exact spot and method could be fixed later). She would look so beautiful. Her angelic face, the long tresses, her superb bone structure and her glistening white skin! Aha! She would look like a queen! Deathly splendor defining her charm,as he would gradually dismantle her dead body.  She would be so quiet all the while. If her corpse could talk, it might chide Jake for a shoddy job and provide an instruction manual for corpse-cutting!

Thus, he went on planning, till it was time for dinner. He finished his drink. It was exactly an year ago that his wife had killed herself, using Jake’s pistol, leaving him mulling over a perfect murder plan gone waste. All he could do now was start over.  


  1. Interesting build-up.. Barring a few semantic errors here and there, the rest of it reads very well. Nagging is their occupation sounds so sexist. Nonetheless, still a good read.. Kept me on the edge till the end.

  2. nothing..reading Edgar Allan Poe maybe!


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