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within and without: it's dark.

Have we, as humans, reached the ugly end? Do we need a League of Shadows? Humans were not supposed to live this way.without dignity, without security,without compassion. Animals are better, indeed. They don't succumb to greed or mindless pleasures.

I've never felt so nervous.helpless.utterly disconsolate.I seek answers within.For, the without is so bleak.

I am ashamed to be a human being. We need to redefine humanity. A spineless species that loves to loathe and celebrate: everything. We are happy to update our Facebook statuses, read or write blogs, condemn violence in each n every form; with equal promptness, we  share our joy and  success. As I sit and write this the futility of this endeavor becomes palpably real.

Yes, I am sad. Depressed. The next step for me is to crawl into a hole and die. But, if I die now it would be a luxury. I've everything I always wanted a great family, a good job, decent circle of friends.Still, there is a silence within and a shattering scream, too.

Maybe, I need to be more thick skinned. That would save me the torture. They tell me I over think,over analyse. Yes I do. Perhaps, the reason is I really do believe: I think, therefore, I am.

 I cannot find answers.Not in this life. An answer must be there, if not in this life, the next one or the one that's gone before. The limited intelligence,memory and imagination that I have, I am aware, I would never find a solution to the void that I feel.

For now, I should go back to like the darkness within and without. It is so endearing. Shut out the  light and blow out the candle. Light is scary. It reveals the scars.It scrutinizes. It helps form images. Images that are intense.morbid and macabre.

I love black: the colour of shadows and darkness, of death and ignorance.


  1. True. It's a sad state of affairs we are in today. Perhaps as Conrad rightly says: we're penetrating deeper and deeper into the heart of darkness. Yes, there is an urgent need to redefine humanity where there is respect for aesthetics than the myopic view of being perceived as an object.


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