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I woke up at 7:00 A.M. The cliched start for a Sunday account should be "I woke up pretty late than usual" or something like "the morning rays gently tickled me out of my blissful repose" . I prefer to mention the exact time. That helps because there are many who need to be shaken out of their slumber at noon. They might find this cruelly early . But then we have a few darlings of the dawn who are up with the lark. So let's not discuss whether it was early or late. I WOKE UP ! that's not to say I chanced upon some "meaning" or had a re-awakening about my "Self". I didn't wake up to anything. Done with the booting (on Sundays this includes a head-bath and a delightful breakfast), I went online. As I was about to start reading "manga", I got a message. Which read something like this: "Hey !!!! We are planning to catch up a movie in the afty, u know, around 3/4 and then we'll go for a dinner. It's a birthday treat. Pls let us know if you would like to join us. ASAP.Guys Pl reply" I growled. I become this lazy lioness who refuses to step out of her den on SUNDAYS. (I am not a Durrell to know about ways of the Wild Cat. Usage directed by my Sun Sign and alliteration. ) Spending hard earned money on some stupid, senseless movie and stuffing yourself with a sumptuous, yet unhealthy meal is NOT my idea of a perfect Sunday. Trust me, I am a movie buff and a foodie too. What irritates me most is the idea of getting dressed ( i prefer my old Tees and pants on Sundays), braving the rains, sitting in suffocating ACs in the Malls and Cinema Halls, clamour of cutlery and whispered conversations or boisterous blabber at restaurants ! I hate to gradually convince my Self that the film was not too bad after all. I get worked up when my friends tell me that I am not talking today. As if I need to play the clown every time I meet them. Sorry, nothing comes for free. NOT even the Fool. It fails to dawn upon them that I need an off too. A day off from putting up an appearance, from running the show, from work, from friends, from family too. A day for yourself ! Sunday is the only day that I can claim to be my own. Entirely mine. I am not an old wreck to spend every Sunday in the confines of my home. But yes, I need time for my-self . So today was the DAY. I did nothing but pampered myself to glory. It was a day spent grooving to music and throwing half my wardrobe out of the window (I suddenly have space for NEW clothes ! ) A day spent skimming through my files and notes. A day spent in the company of books. It has charged me up for the entire week that gapes at me. What a splendid Sunday!
*(The writer is a dreamer by profession, who loves to pepper her discourse with fictional characters and events and has a six-day week).


  1. LoooooooL! I LOVED THIS, Sham! Every sentence of it. You are just superbly you!

    But... threw your clothes out of the WINDOW? :o
    And that too of a fifteenth floor apartment? I am imagining them nestling on the famed IIT hillock, soaking and sousing in the rain.

  2. definitely not a bad idea to have a "sunday for myself" once in a while


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