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Showing posts from 2010


That's how a rickshaw ride "sounds" ! Most of us have been on a rick. We have experinced everything : galloping metres, a perpetual shortage of change ("chutta") and perfectly snobbish rick drivers.we've come across all kinds of drivers (they form a distinct tribe; would someone care to do a PhD on "The marignalisation of rickshawallahs in Mumbai"?) Regular readers of this blog are aware how wonderfully adventurous life the writer lives ! Adding on to my list of adventures was my experience of "DRIVING A RICK IN THE RAINS" oh yes, that's not a typo error .... it is not "Riding" but "Driving" . For those who might be curious about how did I arrive doing something so wild, I would simply write it out: Shamini : Bhaiya , Kanjur chaloge? RICKY (sounds better than rickshaw driver): haan. TRRR GHTTT TRING(That's the metre going down ) ...TRRR GHTT T KHATTAK THUD !!!! The rick came to a staggering halt ! it simply r...


SUNDAY* I woke up at 7:00 A.M. The cliched start for a Sunday account should be "I woke up pretty late than usual" or something like "the morning rays gently tickled me out of my blissful repose" . I prefer to mention the exact time. That helps because there are many who need to be shaken out of their slumber at noon. They might find this cruelly early . But then we have a few darlings of the dawn who are up with the lark. So let's not discuss whether it was early or late. I WOKE UP ! that's not to say I chanced upon some "meaning" or had a re-awakening about my "Self". I didn't wake up to anything. Done with the booting (on Sundays this includes a head-bath and a delightful breakfast), I went online. As I was about to start reading "manga", I got a message. Which read something like this: "Hey !!!! We are planning to catch up a movie in the afty, u know, around 3/4 and then we'll go for a dinner. It's a bi...

Saturday evening :)

I am incredibly thrilled today. Perhaps, it's Saturday evening and I am looking forward to a peaceful Sunday. A day where I meet my bookshelf. I royally ignore it through the week. But every Sunday I sheepishly go to it. "Hello bookshelf, my old friend/ I've come to read again" :) OR Maybe, this ecstasy comes from my adventureous trip back home :) I have a rare talent to mess up well planned meetings...A simple "task" of catching a train can be messed up:) I can gloriously miss trains or get into the wrong ones, or get out of the correct ones. I bought flowers today. Long since I did that . I gifted them to myself ! That could be a source of this sudden gush of happiness. Mirth knows no reasons. It visits you in little moments. It comes alive in a pageantry of moments. Almost anything can make you happy: great food, dinner with your family and friends, a great bargain, a window seat, a long drive, the rain, a new dress, a great day at work, a long chat, ...


A Complusive monologue: I am in a mood to introspect. I am taking a long and hard look at myself. Doing self-analysis.Here are the results: I am in an urgent need to relax. I am overworked and distressed. I am not at peace with myself. I am must socialize. Loneliness can gnaw . it kills you silently. -Being at peace is a difficult state to achieve. For, it is a relative term. Peace again is subjective yet it needs to be arrived at pretty objectively. "Words, words and more words, as if they mean something." Nothing could be more true, more brutally honest than these words .
A few lines that have never failed to inspire me: "Give me one moment in time When I'm more than I thought I could be When all of my dreams are a heartbeat away And the answers are all up to me Give me one moment in time When I'm racing with destiny Then in that one moment of time I will be I will be I will be free I will be I will be free" - Whitney Houston, One Moment in Time


Je suis bavarde ! J 'accepte que je parle trop . pas beaucoup , trop ! oui c'est vrai .... I'm a chatter-box! I accept that I talk a lot. a bit too much..oh yes it's true. I am an idiot box without a mute or switch -off facility. So? What next? I decide to take up "blogging". It might cure me of my excessive verbalisation. It might give vent to my "opinions". (oops, someone said venting out is for "emotions" and not opinions; for me, they cannot be segregated) I know I am opinionated and being opinionated is not professional. (isn't that an opinion too?) but then talks on "Behavioural Ethics and Etiquette " are not supposed to be taken seriously as long as they sound good. For the uninitiated ,or the strangers who might tread on my blog, here are a few tips: Big Sham can switch from one topic to another without intimation. Big Sham 's blogs might not be truthful and honest accounts. For,key to success lies in dec...