That's how a rickshaw ride "sounds" ! Most of us have been on a rick. We have experinced everything : galloping metres, a perpetual shortage of change ("chutta") and perfectly snobbish rick drivers.we've come across all kinds of drivers (they form a distinct tribe; would someone care to do a PhD on "The marignalisation of rickshawallahs in Mumbai"?) Regular readers of this blog are aware how wonderfully adventurous life the writer lives ! Adding on to my list of adventures was my experience of "DRIVING A RICK IN THE RAINS" oh yes, that's not a typo error .... it is not "Riding" but "Driving" . For those who might be curious about how did I arrive doing something so wild, I would simply write it out: Shamini : Bhaiya , Kanjur chaloge? RICKY (sounds better than rickshaw driver): haan. TRRR GHTTT TRING(That's the metre going down ) ...TRRR GHTT T KHATTAK THUD !!!! The rick came to a staggering halt ! it simply r...